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Kurdistan’s independence poll raises the heat in Iraq but what does it mean for oil?
Following Kurdistan’s independence referendum result, what are the implications for its key oil exports and the likely impact on upstream
How is US oil recuperating from Harvey, from wellhead to midstream to refining?
Hurricane Harvey affected the US oil industry from the wellhead to refinery outputs, and the sector is still showing signs
How is US oil recuperating from Harvey, from wellhead to midstream to refining?
Hurricane Harvey affected the US oil industry from the wellhead to refinery outputs, and the sector is still showing signs
IMO 2020: Which country will be the toughest enforcer of the sulfur cap?
Our editors discuss a recent case of fuel sulfur content infringements in Denmark, as well as which countries can be
After the storms: Jet fuel trends and outlook in Europe and the US
As the US recovers from a devastating series of hurricanes, our editors discuss the storms’ impact on the jet fuel